Press Releases

Compute Canada is offering two pairs of scholarships to Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI) 2016. These will be awarded via a competition closing December 14, 2015. Submissions must include:

  • The name and institutional affiliation of a research based co-applicant (Faculty, Postdoc, or Graduate Student).
  • The name and institutional affiliation of a Compute Canada based co-applicant (analyst or consultant).
  • A summary of the project that the co-applicant pair is either currently collaborating on or which there are solid plans to collaborate on.
  • The DHSI 2016 courses that each co-applicant would plan to take. Include a list of backup courses should the first-choice courses not be available.

All of the above should fit on a single page using reasonable font sizes. Please submit a PDF to John Simpson at before the end of December 14, 2015. More info

SHARCNET is issuing a new call for proposals for Dedicated Programming Support. This programme provides support for computational projects of exceptional potential that will have lasting impact and value and that require significant support from SHARCNET to proceed.

For Round VII, applications are encouraged that satisfy the programme objectives and priority will be given to proposals that:

  • Propose to develop innovative visualization applications and techniques that emphasize the visualization of large datasets especially using distributed/parallel visualization/rendering techniques.
  • Propose a programme of work that will enable innovative projects from disciplines that are traditionally not major users of HPC.

Applications are submitted via SHARCNET’s webportal and are due by December 20, 2015. Note that users must have a SHARCNET webportal account in order to access the online form.

For additional information, please refer to the application guidelines. Questions should be addressed to

The Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) is consulting with the broader community on their core funding programs (the Innovation Fund, the John R. Evans Leaders Fund, the College-Industry Innovation Fund, the Cyberinfrastructure Initiative and the Infrastructure Operating Fund). They also seek input on a few key strategic issues of relevance to the research community and other stakeholders.

The purpose of the consultations are to:

  • identify opportunities for better alignment with institutional and community needs;
  • make adjustments to the design of its funds to address evolving priorities; and,
  • encourage the development of research infrastructure proposals of the highest quality, in order to better enhance the capacity of institutions and their researchers to conduct world-class research and technology development.

Ontario meetings are planned for:

London: Nov. 3, 13:00-15:00, Western University
Waterloo: Nov. 4, 09:00-11:00, Delta Waterloo
Toronto: Nov. 5, 09:00-11:00, Intercontinental Toronto Yorkville
Ottawa: Nov. 10, 09:00-11:00, Ottawa Marriott Hotel

A full listing is available on the CFI website.

Written comments are also invited by November 30, 2015, email:

For more information, including RSVP details, please refer to the CFI website.

The 30th anniversary of the HPCS conference will be held at the Centennial Centre for Interdisciplinary Science (CCIS) on the University of Alberta campus in Edmonton, AB, June 19-22, 2016. The 2016 conference will combine two annual national conferences: CANHEIT, under the direction of CUCCIO, and the High Performance Computing Symposium (HPCS), under the direction of Compute Canada.

Stay tuned for more details.

Any individual who is eligible to apply to national granting councils for funding is eligible to apply for a RAC allocation. The RAC is open to projects from all disciplines, from humanities to engineering. The allocation requests are peer-reviewed and awarded based on scientific merit, quality of the research team, and development of highly-qualified personnel (HQP).

Please note, you DO NOT need to submit a letter of intent. The final deadline for all RAC submission is October 8, 2015. There will be no extensions this year.

Interested parties should submit a full application via the CCDB with the information specified in the RAC 2016 Call for Proposals. For more information, please visit the Compute Canada website.

Click here to login / register to the CCDB to submit your 2016 RAC application.

The Resource Allocation Competition (RAC) is granted on a one-year basis and so applicants must re-apply for a new allocation every year. Any individual who is eligible to apply to national granting councils for funding is eligible to apply for an allocation. The RAC is open to projects from all disciplines, from humanities to engineering. The allocation requests are peer-reviewed and awarded based on scientific merit, quality of the research team, and development of highly-qualified personnel (HQP).

Please note that people applying for RAC are NOT required to submit a letter of intent but just a full application with the information specified in the RAC 2016 Call for Proposals. More info

Important Dates:
CCDB submission area activated: September 1
Fast track submissions due: September 25 (4:00 pm EDT)
All RAC & RPP full proposals due: October 8 (4:00 pm EDT)

For more information on the RAC competition, please refer to the 2016 RAC Call for Proposals or visit the 2016 Resource Competitions page on the Compute Canada website.

Waterloo, Ontario-July 30, 2015. Compute Canada and its regional partners ACENET, Calcul Quebec, Compute Ontario and WestGrid will receive close to $75 million to renew and consolidate the national platform for advanced research computing. Funds will be received through the Canada Foundation for Innovation’s Cyberinfrastructure Initiative competition launched in 2014. The federal investment of $30 million leverages an additional $45 million in provincial and institutional support.

Today’s announcement by Peter Braid, Member of Parliament for Kitchener-Waterloo at an event at the University of Waterloo is a major step forward for Canada’s advanced research computing infrastructure – an important component of Canada’s digital research ecosystem. This essential infrastructure and expert support directly supports the Canadian economy and science excellence. More info

Researchers building platforms or portals to serve the needs of a community of users are invited to apply to Compute Canada’s 2016 Research Platforms and Portals (RPP) competition, which grants access to computing and storage resources on Compute Canada’s systems.

Introduced in 2014, the RPP competition is targeted at applications that use platforms or portals to improve access to shared datasets, enhance existing online research tools and facilities, or advance national or international research collaborations. Resource allocations in this competition may be awarded over multiple years, up to a maximum of three years. The RPP competition is open to any researcher based at a Canadian academic institution who is eligible to apply for funding to the federal granting agencies.

The RPP competition is delivered in two stages:

  1. Letter of Intent (LOI) Stage
    This stage is non-competitive and used to ensure project alignment with the RPP competition rules. Submissions are generally one page, providing a high-level summary of the project’s rationale, operation and scope.
  2. Full Application Stage
    Successful LOIs will be invited to submit a Full Application. This stage requires further details on the requested Compute Canada resources, operation and management of the platform or portal, and the anticipated impacts and opportunities.

Groups are encouraged to use the RPP competition if their application falls within any of the following categories:

  • Resources requested on behalf of a large community of users that will be reallocated to individuals and small groups following the award.
  • Applications that provide a public platform that will make use of Compute Canada computing or storage.
  • Groups engaging in international agreements to provide multi-year computing or storage solutions based in Canada.
  • Recipients of the Major Science Initiative from the Canada Foundation for Innovation.
  • Groups that are providing shared data sets accessible using a third party (non-Compute Canada) interface.

Full criteria details and submission guidelines are available in the RPP Competition Guide. Letters of Intent due by August 13, 2015. More info