OPENMPI (Library)
Open MPI is an open source, freely available implementation of both the MPI-1 and MPI-2 documents. Open MPI represents the combination of the the efforts of development teams associated with other well-known MPI implementations (FT-MPI, LA-MPI, LAM/MPI) with contributions from PACX-MPI. Each of these MPI implementations excelled in one or more areas. The driving motivation behind Open MPI is to bring the best ideas and technologies from the individual projects and create one world-class open source MPI implementation that excels in all areas.
Availability Table
System | Versions |
dusky | 2.1.1 (gcc630, intel1604, intel1704) |
Jun 14, 2017: Openmpi 2.1.1 modules are now available on all sharcnet systems (except iqaluk due to disk space issues). The int and intdebug flavors available in previous versions have been renamed mtune and mtunedebug, see module show openmpi/intel1604-mtune/2.1.1 for details or submit a sharcnet ticket asking for intel compilation help. Version 2.1.1 includes two new module flavors ilp64 and ilp64debug to provide Fort integer size: 8 as described in
Jun 7, 2016: Please note ALL openmpi-1.8.3 sharcnet modules will be REMOVED very soon due to performance issues. Please recompile and use openmpi-1.8.7 instead immediately.
Nov 12, 2015: Please note, the sharcnet openmpi module versions 1.7.2, 1.8.3, 1.8.4, 1.8.5 will be removed from all sharcnet clusters Nov 19. Codes requiring a version more recent than openmpi 1.6.2 (as provided by the default sharcnet environment) may be moved to use one of the available openmpi 1.8.7 modules instead. If there are any questions or concerns please submit a ticket asap to thank-you.
Jul 29, 2015: Please note the sharcnet modules for openmpi 1.7.2, 1.8.1 and 1.8.6 will be removed Aug 5, 2015 from all sharcnet clusters. If there are any concerns please submit a ticket beforehand to thank-you.
May 22, 2015: Open MPI 1.8.5 New Features: 1) Improved on-node GPU to GPU transfers even when CUDA IPC not supported between GPUs 2) Properly handle Unified Memory. This is done by disabling CUDA IPC and GPU Direct RDMA optimizations on Unified Memory buffers. 3) Support for blocking reduction MPI APIs. See
Dec 9, 2014: Please note that the openmpi/gcc/1.8.1 module is now renamed to openmpi/gcc/1.8.1-broken on certain clusters including orca and saw (so far). The module is still working on redin and hound. Using this module will result in hung jobs. We are currently investigating the cause and will update this message when more is known.
Aug 13, 2014: The following openmpi modules will be removed from all sharcnet clusters on 20aug2014. If there are any concerns with this change please submit a problem ticket to the sharcnet web portal asap. openmpi/intel/1.5.5, openmpi/intel/1.7.2, openmpi/gcc/1.7.2, openmpi/open64/1.7.2, openmpi/intel/1.7.3, openmpi/intel/1.7.4, openmpi/intel/1.7.5rc5
Jun 28, 2014: At this moment only redfin and saw have confirmed working openmpi 1.8.1 installations. We are working to resolve its operation on other clusters asap.
Jun 3, 2014: Advanced WARNING please note that openmpi 1.7.3, openmip 1.7.4 and openmpi 1.7.5rc5 contain bugs and should be avoided. They will be removed along with all legacy openmpi 1.4.X versions once openmpi 1.8.1 is installed on all sharcnet clusters and fully tested.
May 30, 2014: Please note that openmpi 1.7.3, openmip 1.7.4 and openmpi 1.7.5rc5 contain bugs and should be avoided. They will be removed once openmpi 1.8.1 is installed.
Nov 11, 2013: The openmpi/intel/1.6.1 module will be removed from angel, brown, goblin, hound, iqaluk, kraken, monk, orca, redfin, saw and wobbie on Nov 25, 2013. If there are any concerns please submit a ticket to
Sep 24, 2013: Users of the mpi queue on kraken should first run “module switch openmpi/intel/1.6.2 openmpi/intel/1.6.2_1” before submitting jobs with “-f myri” since the default openpmi module does NOT support myrinet. For more information please see
Change Log
o Jun 14, 2017: Installed openmpi-2.1.1 built with gcc-6.3.0, intel-16.0.4 and intel-17.0.4 with flavors (std, std-debug, mtm, mtm-debug, ilp64, ilp64-debug, vtune, vtune-debug) on brown, copper, goblin, (iqaluk out of disk space cannot install), kraken, monk, mosaic, orca, redfin, saw, tembo, vdi-centos, windeee, wobbie.
o Jul 26, 2016: Removed openmpi-1.8.3 from angel, brown, goblin, iqaluk, monk, orca, redfin, saw and wobbie as previously announced in Nov 12 2015.
o Dec 12, 2015: Removed openmpi-1.7.2 (intel,gcc,open64) from angel, brown, goblin, iqaluk, monk, orca, redfin, saw and wobbie.
o Dec 12, 2015: Removed openmpi-1.8.5 (gcc-5.1.0) from angel, brown, copper, goblin, hound, iqaluk, kraken, monk, mosaic, orca, redfin, saw, tembo, vdi-centos6 and wobble.
o Dec 4, 2015: Removed openmpi-1.8.4 (intel-15.0.2) from angel, brown, copper, goblin, hound, iqaluk, monk, mosaic, orca, redfin, saw, tembo and wobbie. Removal of 1.7.2 and 1.8.5 delayed until dec10. Removal of 1.8.3 delayed without any date.
o Oct 22, 2015: Removed openmpi-1.8.1 (intel,gcc,pgi,open64) from monk.
o Oct 20, 2015: Removed openmpi-1.8.6 (intel-15.0.3, gcc-4.9.2, gcc-5.1.0) from angel, brown, copper, goblin, hound, kraken, iqaluk, monk, mosaic, orca, redfin, saw, tembo, vdi-centos6, windeee, wobbie.
o Oct 19, 2015: Removed openmpi-1.7.2, openmpi-1.8.4 modules from kraken. emoved openmpi-1.8.1 (intel,gcc,pgi,open64) from angel, brown, copper, goblin, hound, kraken, iqaluk, mosaic, orca, redfin, saw, tembo, vdi-centos6, windeee, wobbie.
o Jul 29, 2015: Installed openmpi-1.8.7 including gcc-4.9.2 and gcc-5.1.0 flavors (std, std-debug, mtm, mtm-debug) on angel, brown, copper, goblin, hound, iqaluk, kraken, monk, mosaic, orca, redfin, saw, tembo, vdi-centos, windeee and wobbie.
o Jul 1, 2015: Installed openmpi-1.8.6 including gcc-4.9.2 and gcc-5.1.0 flavors (std, std-debug, mtm, mtm-debug) on angel, brown, copper, goblin, hound, iqaluk, kraken, monk, mosaic, orca, redfin, saw, tembo, vdi-centos6 and wobbie.
o May 22, 2015: Installed openmpi-1.8.5 (gcc-5.1.0 flavors: std, std-debug, mtm, int, has, nat) on angel, brown, copper, goblin, hound, iqaluk, kraken, monk, mosaic, orca, redfin, saw, tembo, vdi-centos6 and wobbie.
o May 15, 2015: Installed openmpi-1.8.5 on copper for testing purposes.
o Oct 20, 2014: Installed openmpi-1.8.4 (standard and threaded versions) on angel, brown, copper, goblin, hound, iqaluk, kraken, monk, mosaic, orca, redfin, saw, tembo and wobbie.
o Oct 20, 2014: Installed openmpi-1.6.5 on angel, brown, goblin, hound, iqaluk, kraken, monk, orca, redfin, saw and wobbie.
o Sep 9, 2014: Installed openmpi-1.6.5 on angel, brown, goblin, hound, iqaluk, kraken, monk, orca, redfin, saw and wobbie. Removed openmpi-1.7.4 from monk.
o Aug 22, 2014: Removed openmpi-1.5.1 from angel, hound, kraken, monk, orca, redfin, saw and wobbie. Removed openmpi-1.6.1 and openmpi-1.6.5 from brown. Removed openmpi-1.7.3 from angel, brown, goblin, hound, iqaluk, kraken, monk, orca, redfin, saw, wobbie. Removed openmpi-1.7.4 from brown. Removed openmpi-1.7.5rc5 from monk and brown.
o Aug 20, 2014: Removed openmpi 1.5.5 from iqaluk, angel, goblin.
o Aug 14, 2014: Installed openmpi 1.6.5 on monk for temporary benchmarking use.
o Jul 25, 2014: Installed openmpi 1.8.1 on goblin, orca, redfin, wobbie, brown for testing.
o Jun 19, 2014: Installed openmpi 1.8.1 on iqaluk for testing.
o Jun 3, 2014: Installed openmpi 1.8.1 on hound and saw for testing.
o May 30, 2014: Installed openmpi 1.8.1 on monk for testing.
o May 21, 2014: Removed openmpi/intel/1.6.1 from angel, brown, goblin, hound, iqaluk, kraken, monk, orca, redfin, saw and wobbie.
o Feb 5, 2014: Removed openmpi/intel/1.7.4rc3 and then installed openmpi/intel/1.7.4 for cuda/5.5.22 in monks test image scheduled to become the regular image Feb12,2014.
o Feb 4, 2014: Installed openmpi/intel/1.7.4rc3 for cuda/5.5.22 in monks test image.
o Nov 11, 2013: Removed openmpi 1.5.4 from angel, brown, goblin, hound, iqaluk, kraken, monk, redfin and saw previously announced Jun27,2013 and scheduled for Aug1,2013.
o Nov 8, 2013: Installed openmpi 1.7.3 on angel, brown, goblin, hound, iqaluk, kraken, monk, orca, redfin, saw and wobbie.
o Aug 28, 2013: Installed openmpi 1.7.2 on angel, brown, goblin, hound, iqaluk, kraken, monk, orca, redfin, saw and wobbie.
o Sep 24, 2013: Installed rebuilt version 1.6.2_1 on kraken which supports myrinet.
o Jun 27, 2013: On monk removed 1.7a1r26201 (intel,open64) then installed 1.7.2 (intel).
o Jun 26, 2013: Removed 1.5.4 from orca then installed 1.5.5 (intel) all centos6 clusters.
o Oct 10, 2012: Removed version 1.6 from iquluk and monk then made 1.6.2 default.
o Aug 24, 2012: Installed version 1.4.5, 1.6 and 1.7a1r26201 on monk for testing.
o Aug 22, 2011: Rebuilt the intel flavor of 1.4.3 and 1.5.4 with intel/11.0.069 compiler.