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SHARCNET Authors |
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An investigation of (C5H5)Fe(C5H4-C(OBF3)-CH3)
2009 |
F. O. Ogini, P. J. W. Elder, J. F. Britten, I. Vargas-Baca
Organometallic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry
N-Triphenylboryl- and N, N'-bis(triphenylboryl)- benzo-2,1,3-telluradiazole
2009 |
A. F. Cozzolino, S. Hanhan, A. D. Bain, I. Vargas-Baca
Organometallic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry
Naphthalene-Mediated Electronic Communication in Tetrakis-(imino)pyracene Complexes
2009 |
K. V. Vasudevan, I. Vargas-Baca, A. H. Cowley
Organometallic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry
Practical algorithms for the longest common extension problem
2009 |
L. Ilie and L. Tinta
Bioinformatics And Computational Biology
A combined 135/137Ba solid-state NMR at an ultrahigh magnetic field and computational study of beta-barium borate
2009 |
A. Sutrisno, C. Lu, R. H. Lipson, Y. Huang*
NMR spectroscopy and porous materials
A solid-state NMR study of dehydration of layered alpha-niobium phosphate
2009 |
J. Zhu, Y. Huang
NMR spectroscopy and porous materials
Finding compact structural motifs
2009 |
D. Bu, M. Li, S.C. Li, J. Qian, J. Xu
On two open problems of 2-interval patterns
2009 |
S.C. Li and M. Li
Protonation Sites and Conformations of Peptides of Glycine (Gly1-5H+) by IRMPD Spectroscopy
2009 |
R.Wu and T.B. McMahon
Gas Phase Ion Streucture And Energetics
Structures, Energetics and Dynamics of Gas Phase Ions and Ionic Clusters Studied by Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry and High Pressure Mass Spectrometry
2009 |
R.Wu and T.B. McMahon
Gas Phase Ion Streucture And Energetics
Investigations of Strong Hydrogen Bonding in (ROH)nâ¢â¢â¢FHF- (n = 1, 2 and R = H, CH3, C2H5) Clusters via High Pressure Mass Spectrometry and Quantum Calculations
2009 |
R.J. Nieckarz, N. Oldridge, T.D. Fridgen, G.P. Li, I.P. Hamilton and T.B. McMahon
Gas Phase Ion Streucture And Energetics
Multi-ethnic genetic association study of carotid intima-media thickness using a targeted cardiovascular SNP microarray.
2009 |
Lanktree, MB, Hegele, RA, Yusuf S, Anand SS
Genetics Of Human Diseases
Procrustean rotation in concert with principal component analysis of molecular dynamics trajectories: Quantifying global and local differences between conformational samples.
2009 |
D.G. Oblinsky, B.M.B. VanSchouwen, H.L. Gordon, S.M. Rothstein
Nonparametric Identification of Finite Mixture Models of Dynamic Discrete Choices
2009 |
Hiroyuki Kasahara and Katsumi Shimotsu
3D FDTD Analysis of Gold Nanoparticles based on Slab Waveguide
2009 |
H. Jiang, J. Sabarinathan, T. Manifar, S. Mittler
N-Body Simulations of DGP and Degravitation Theories.
2009 |
J. Khoury and M. Wyman
Analysis of second moment closure modeling for a rectangular surface jet using DNS data
2009 |
I Z Naqavi, R J Martinuzzi, E Savory
Fluid Mechanics
Evaluating the Cost Effectiveness of Multiple Best Management Practices in Agricultural Watersheds
2009 |
Wanhong Yang, Yongbo Liu, Hailiang Sheng, Jing Yang, Predrag Rajsic, Alfons Weersink, Alain Rousseau
Integrated Watershed Modelling
Adhesion of structure of a tubular membrane confining spherical particlesâ
2009 |
8. J. Z.Y. Chen, Y. Liu and H.J. Liang
Soft Condensed Matter Theory
Comparison of predicted native structure of Met-enkephalin based on various accessible-surface-area solvent models
2009 |
7. L. Zhan, J.Z.Y. Chen, and W.-L. Liu
Soft Condensed Matter Theory