This shows publications by researchers in each area. Areas with no
publications are omitted.
Area |
Publications |
algebraic combinatorics |
1 |
Animal Breeding |
1 |
Applied Econometrics |
8 |
Applied Mathematics |
21 |
Artificial Intelligence |
4 |
Artificial intelligence |
14 |
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning |
1 |
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning |
25 |
Astronomy, General Relativity, Computer Science, Applied Math |
2 |
Astrophysics |
57 |
Atmopheric Science |
3 |
Atmospheric And Oceanic Modelling |
1 |
Atmospheric Sciences |
3 |
Atmospheric Sciences |
10 |
Behavioural and Evolutionary Ecology |
3 |
Bioinformatics |
34 |
Bioinformatics And Computational Biology |
7 |
Bioinformatics And Genetics |
2 |
Bioinformatics, Molecular Evolution |
1 |
Bioinorganic chemistry |
2 |
Biologial time series analysis |
1 |
Biological Physics / Physical Biology |
2 |
Biomathematics |
8 |
Biomedical Modeling and Simulation |
11 |
Biomedical Modeling And Simulation |
4 |
Biomineralization |
7 |
Biomineralization |
1 |
Biomolecular Simulations |
8 |
Biophysics |
117 |
Biophysics, Proteins |
2 |
Biosimulations Of Peptides And Membranes |
1 |
Cellular Automata, Discrete Dynamical Systems |
4 |
Cfd |
5 |
CFDS, Computational Heat And Mass Transfer And Combustion |
1 |
Chemical Engineering |
19 |
Chemical Physics |
1 |
Chemical Physics |
3 |
Chiral Fluids And Interfaces |
4 |
Civil Engineering |
1 |
Class |
3 |
Clinical Psychology |
1 |
Combinatorial Algorithms |
2 |
Computation Fluid Dynamics |
2 |
Computational And Theoretical Chemistry |
16 |
Computational Atomic Physics |
10 |
Computational Biology |
4 |
Computational Biology |
25 |
Computational Biology, Systems Biology |
9 |
Computational Biophysics |
1 |
Computational Chemistry |
291 |
Computational Design and Manufacturing |
14 |
Computational Electromagnetics |
4 |
Computational Electromagnetics |
6 |
Computational Finance |
6 |
Computational Fluid Dynamics |
7 |
Computational Fluid Dynamics |
29 |
Computational Fluid Dynamics, Energy Systems, Fuel Cells |
12 |
Computational Hydrology |
4 |
Computational Macroeconomics |
2 |
Computational Neuroscience |
11 |
Computational Organic Chemistry |
1 |
Computational Physical Organic Chemistry For The Energy And Environmental Sciences |
44 |
Computational Solid State Physics |
2 |
Computational Surface Chemistry |
9 |
Computer Aided Design, Micro/Nano Electronics |
3 |
Computer Algebra |
25 |
Computer Algebra, Knot Theory, Computer Go |
9 |
Computer Architecture |
1 |
Computer Graphics |
1 |
Computing Science |
6 |
Condensed Matter Physics |
155 |
Condensed Matter Theory |
18 |
Condensed Matter Theory And Statistical Mechanics |
4 |
Contaminated Site Remediation |
1 |
Cosmology |
7 |
Cosmology |
1 |
Data science, machine learning, geometric deep learning, graph signal processing, biomedical data exploration |
4 |
Digital And Wireless Communications And Information Theory |
5 |
Digital Humanities; Linked Data; Cyberinfrastructure; Semantic Web |
1 |
Distributed Systems |
11 |
Dynamic Optimization |
3 |
Dynamical Astronomy And Planet Formation |
1 |
Dynamo Theory |
1 |
Earth and Space Science |
3 |
Earth Surface Science |
2 |
Econometrics |
2 |
Economic Modelling |
17 |
Economics |
3 |
Embedded Systems,IoT, Cybersecurity, AI |
2 |
Environmental Modelling |
3 |
Environmental Modelling and Analysis |
13 |
Finance; Asset Pricing |
2 |
Fluid Dynamics |
27 |
Fluid Mechanics |
131 |
Fluid Mechanics |
14 |
Fuzzy Option Pricing |
3 |
Galaxy Formation |
1 |
Gas Phase Ion Streucture And Energetics |
11 |
Gaseous Ion Structures, Energetics And Reaction |
5 |
Genetic Linkage Analysis |
5 |
Genetics Of Human Diseases |
11 |
geometry |
1 |
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics |
2 |
Gravitational Waves (Applied Mathematics, Astronomy, Relativity) |
7 |
Groundwater Flow and Transport Modeling |
1 |
Groundwater Hydrology |
1 |
Hadamard Matrices |
1 |
Hadamard Matrices |
4 |
High Performance Computing |
19 |
Human Information Processing |
3 |
Image Processing |
7 |
Inorganic Chemistry |
4 |
Inorganic Chemistry |
27 |
Inorganic Chemistry, Bioinorganic Chemistry |
1 |
Inorganic Main Group Chemistry |
7 |
Integrated Watershed Modelling |
1 |
Interstellar Matter |
13 |
Job Scheduling And Adaptive Middleware |
16 |
Lattice Quantum Field Theory |
1 |
Liquids And Soft Matter |
2 |
Logic Programming |
2 |
Mass Spectrometry |
6 |
Materials Simulations |
71 |
Mathematical Biology |
2 |
Mathematical Biology |
26 |
Mathematical Modeling & Simulation |
45 |
Mathematics |
49 |
Medical Imaging |
1 |
Medical Physics |
10 |
Medical Physics, Radiation Sciences |
1 |
Membrane Biophysics |
4 |
Microfluidics |
2 |
Modelling dynamics of coupled systems for nanotechnology, biological and stochastic applications |
19 |
Molecular Complexes, Clusters - structures, stabilities, spectra, reactions |
5 |
Molecular Computing |
1 |
Molecular Dynamics |
7 |
Molecular Electronic Strucure |
2 |
Molecular Level Simulations |
3 |
Molecular Simulation |
49 |
Monte Carlo Simulation |
3 |
Multi Scale Modeling Of Nanomaterial Synthesis And Applications |
12 |
Myelin And Multiple Sclerosis |
6 |
Nanofiltration Membranes |
4 |
Nanoparticles |
2 |
Nanoparticles And Nanomaterials |
3 |
Nanophotonics |
2 |
Nanotechnology |
5 |
Nanotechnology |
1 |
NMR spectroscopy and porous materials |
6 |
Nonlinear Dynamics |
3 |
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance |
1 |
Nuclear, Aerospace, Biomedical Engineering |
2 |
Numerical Methods |
2 |
Numerical Weather Prediction, Data Assimilation, Mesoscale Dynamics, Atmospheric Chemistry Modeling, Upper Atmosphere Modeling |
1 |
optical gas imaging, laser-based nanoparticle diagnostics, hyperspectral imaging |
4 |
Optimization |
2 |
Organic Chemistry |
3 |
Organometallic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry |
20 |
Parallel Computation / Programming Languages |
1 |
Phase Transformations |
2 |
Photonics & Bio-photonics |
3 |
Photosynthesis |
1 |
Physical Chemistry |
1 |
Physical Organic Chemistry |
2 |
Physics |
36 |
Planetary Interior Dynamics |
1 |
Psycholinguistics |
6 |
Quantum Chemistry |
3 |
Quantum computing, theoretical atomic physics |
5 |
Quantum Gravity |
14 |
Quantum Information Research |
3 |
Quantum Information, Quantum Optics |
4 |
Quantum Information; Gravitation |
1 |
Quantum Molecular Dynamics |
5 |
Quantum Spin Systems, Cosmology |
1 |
Random Graph Theory |
8 |
Reactive Intermediates In Organic And Organometallic Chemistry |
3 |
Reflectance Spectroscopy |
1 |
Scientific Computing |
9 |
Scientific Computing |
10 |
Sharing Economy, Revenue Management, Supply Chain Management |
2 |
Simulation and Modeling |
15 |
Soft Condensed Matter Physics |
10 |
Soft Condensed Matter Theory |
9 |
Soft Matter Physics |
37 |
Soft Matter Physics And Biophysics |
1 |
Software Engineering |
7 |
Star And Planet Formation |
1 |
Star Formation |
5 |
Statistical Genetics |
1 |
Statistical Simulation |
16 |
Strongly Correlated Electrons |
3 |
Structural Biophysics |
1 |
Structural Econometrics, Quantitative Marketing |
6 |
Structural Engineering |
4 |
Symbolic Computation, Computational Combinatorics |
13 |
Theoretical And Computational Chemistry |
6 |
Theoretical atomic and molecular physics |
21 |
Theoretical Neuroscience |
2 |
Theoretical Physics |
46 |
Theory And Computational Modeling Of Materials |
4 |
Time Series Analysis, Spatio Temporal Modeling, Nonparametrics |
7 |
Tribology |
5 |
Turbulence |
1 |
Turbulence, Bifurcation Theory |
3 |
Ultra Fast Photonics |
5 |
virophysics |
1 |
4 |
Wireless Communications |
4 |