Publication: An algorithm for inducing stochastic finite memory machines

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Title An algorithm for inducing stochastic finite memory machines
Authors/Editors* Michael Curchin, Stefan C. Kremer
Where published* Smart Engineering System Design: Neural Networks,Evolutionary Programming, Data Mining, and Artificial Life,
How published* Journal
Year* 2006
Volume 16
Pages 795–800
Publisher ASME Press
Keywords Learning Algorithms and Training, Time Series Analysis, Grammar Inference
In this paper, we present a novel algorithm for inducing stochastic finite memory machines to match a given example data-set. The motivation for this approach stems for the ANNIE 2006 binary time-series prediction competition. Our approach extends the paradigm of finite memory machines into the stochastic domain, proves the applicability of our new extension to the problem of inducing unknown sequences, and presents some preliminary results on the effectiveness of this approach. While we do not yet know the final score of our method (as the competition has not completed), we are optimistic based on the preliminary data available and will update the final version of the paper with more details as soon as they are announced by the competition organizers.
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