Publication: Gas phase bond dissociation enthalpies and enthalpies of isomerization/reaction for small hydrocarbon combustion related compounds between 300 and 1500 K: A comparison of Gaussian-4 (G4) theoretical values against experimental data

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Title Gas phase bond dissociation enthalpies and enthalpies of isomerization/reaction for small hydrocarbon combustion related compounds between 300 and 1500 K: A comparison of Gaussian-4 (G4) theoretical values against experimental data
Authors/Editors* S Rayne, K Forest
Where published* Nature Precedings
How published* Other
Year* 2010
Publisher Nature Publishing Group
Keywords bond dissociation enthalpy; isomerization enthalpy; enthalpy of reaction ; hydrocarbon combustion modeling; gas phase; Gaussian-4 (G4); theoretical methods; benchmarking
Gas phase calculations at 1 atmosphere pressure between 300 and 1500 K at 200 K intervals were conducted using the Gaussian-4 (G4) composite method level of theory on a representative set of reactions having broad relevance in hydrocarbon combustion chemistry. Reasonable agreement between the experimental and theoretical data was obtained across the temperature range under consideration for all bond dissociation enthalpies, isomerization enthalpies, and enthalpies of reaction. For some reaction schemes, chemical accuracy for the theoretical method was maintained over the complete temperature range, whereas other systems displayed up to several kcal/mol mol deviations from experimental data. The direction of signed errors generally increased as the temperature was raised, and no general error trends were related to molecular size or reaction class.
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