Publication: Gas phase enthalpies of formation for potential nitro-substituted borazine high energy materials: A G4MP2 and G4 theoretical study

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Title Gas phase enthalpies of formation for potential nitro-substituted borazine high energy materials: A G4MP2 and G4 theoretical study
Authors/Editors* S Rayne, K Forest
Where published* Nature Precedings
How published* Other
Year* 2011
Publisher Nature Publishing Group
Keywords nitro-substituted borazines, high energy materials, enthalpy of formation, Gaussian-4 (G4), G4MP2, theoretical study
Gas phase (298.15 K, 1 atm) enthalpies of formation (ΔfH(g)) were calculated at the G4MP2 and G4 levels of theory using the atomization energy approach for various nitro-substituted borazines proposed as high energy materials (HEMs). Modest general agreement was obtained between the G4MP2/G4 atomization energy ΔfH(g) estimates and those previously reported using density functional theory methods and homodesmic reaction approaches, with deviations ranging between +9.7 to -56.5 kJ/mol. The results should help constrain the actual enthalpies of formation for these potential HEMs, and suggest the nitroborazines are a particularly challenging case for ΔfH(g) calculations using theoretical approaches, requiring high-level composite methods to obtain reliable ΔfH(g).
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