Publication: Isotropic Grid Adaptation for Laminar Incompressible Flows

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Title Isotropic Grid Adaptation for Laminar Incompressible Flows
Authors/Editors* A. R. Baserinia and G. D. Stubley
Where published* CFD Society of Canada Conference
How published* Proceedings
Year* 2007
Numerical simulation of a fluid flow inevitably has error. Therefore, error reduction is a crucial issue in the CFD context. Grid adaptation is a technique to reduce the error by refining the grid in the regions where physical properties vary dramatically. The adaptation technique consists of two main components: the error indicator and the adaptation mechanism. The error indicator is the component that designates the regions needing refinement and drives the adaption process. The adaptation mechanism is the component that modifies the grid geometry or topology to produce the adapted grid. Unfortunately, there is no error indicator which is generally suitable for incompressible laminar flow simulations based on the finite volume method. The premise of this paper is that the cell-based residual of a numerical solution is a good candidate for being a general error indicator. First, we develop a method for estimating the residual of incompressible laminar flow simulations. Then, we derive the proposed error indicator suitable for isotropic adaptation. The results for lid-driven cavity flow affirms the effectiveness of the method. The error on the adapted grid proves to be remarkably lower than that of a uniform grid with the same number of control volumes and a Hessian-based adapted grid. The use of such an adaptation method is practically straightforward; it is computationally inexpensive and suitable for unstructured grids.
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