Publication: Mapping of dihydropyridine binding residues in a less sensitive invertebrate L-type calcium channel (LCav 1)

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Title Mapping of dihydropyridine binding residues in a less sensitive invertebrate L-type calcium channel (LCav 1)
Authors/Editors* Senatore A, Boone A, Lam S, Dawson TF, Zhorov B, Spafford J.
Where published* Channels (Austin)
How published* Journal
Year* 2011
Volume 5
Number 3
Pages 173-87
Invertebrate L-type calcium channel, LCav 1, isolated from the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis is nearly indistinguishable from mammalian Cav 1.2 (α1C) calcium channel in biophysical characteristics observed in vitro. These L-type channels are likely constrained within a narrow range of biophysical parameters to perform similar functions in the snail and mammalian cardiovascular systems. What distinguishes snail and mammalian L-type channels is a difference in dihydropyridine sensitivity: 100 nM isradipine exhibits a significant block of mammalian Cav 1.2 currents without effect on snail LCav 1 currents. The native snail channel serves as a valuable surrogate for validating key residue differences identified from previous experimental and molecular modeling work. As predicted, three residue changes in LCav 1 (N_3o18, F_3i10, and I_4i12) replaced with DHP-sensing residues in respective positions of Cav 1.2, (Q_3o18, Y_3i10, and M_4i12) raises the potency of isradipine block of LCaV 1 channels to that of mammalian Cav 1.2. Interestingly, the single N_3o18_Q mutation in LCav 1 channels lowers DHP sensitivity even further and the triple mutation bearing enhanced isradipine sensitivity, still retains a reduced potency of agonist, (S)-Bay K8644.
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