Publication: ATOP - Space and Time Adaptation for Parallel and Grid Applications vis Flexible Data Partitioning

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Title ATOP - Space and Time Adaptation for Parallel and Grid Applications vis Flexible Data Partitioning
Authors/Editors* Angela C. Sodan and Lin Han
Where published* ACM/IFIP/USENIX Workshop on Reflective Middleware, Toronto
How published* Proceedings
Year* 2004
Volume 0
Number 0
Pages 268-276
Publisher ACM
Keywords adaptation, middleware, graph partitioning
Adaptive resource allocation is becoming an important feature to run parallel and grid applications: to better share space and time according to current workload, to schedule around obstacles as from reservation, to deal with varying system load under time-shared execution, and to deal with lack of accurate predictability on heterogeneous resources. Adaptation is potentially very expensive if total data repartitioning is required. Existing approaches of implementing large numbers of MPI
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