Publication: Classification of 3-dimensional integrable scalar discrete equations

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Title Classification of 3-dimensional integrable scalar discrete equations
Authors/Editors* SP Tsarev, T Wolf
Where published* preprint, arXiv:0706.2464
How published* None
Year* 2007
Volume -1
Number -1
Pages 19 pages
Keywords integrable systems, discrete equations, large polynomial systems, computer algebra, Reduce, Form, Crack
We classify all integrable 3-dimensional scalar discrete quasilinear equations Q_3=0 on an elementary cubic cell of the lattice Z^3. An equation Q_3=0$ is called integrable if it may be consistently imposed on all 3-dimensional elementary faces of the lattice Z^4. Under the natural requirement of invariance of the equation under the action of the complete group of symmetries of the cube we prove that the only nontrivial (non-linearizable) integrable equation from this class is the well-known dBKP-system.
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