Publication: Faking and the Validity of Conscientiousness: A Monte Carlo Investigation

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Title Faking and the Validity of Conscientiousness: A Monte Carlo Investigation
Authors/Editors* S. Komar, D. J. Brown, J. A. Komar, C. Robie
Where published* Journal of Applied Psychology
How published* Journal
Year* 2008
The current paper reports the findings from a Monte Carlo investigation examining the impact of faking on the criterion-related validity of conscientiousness for predicting supervisory ratings of job performance. Based on previous literature, six parameters were manipulated in order to model 4500 distinct faking conditions (5 [magnitude] × 5 [proportion] × 4 [variability] × 3 [faking-conscientiousness relationship] × 3 [faking-performance relationship] × 5 [selection ratio]). Overall, the results indicated that validity change is significantly affected by all six faking parameters, with the relationship between faking and performance, the proportion of fakers in the sample, and the magnitude of faking having the strongest effect on validity change. Additionally, the association between several of the parameters and changes in criterion-related validity was conditional upon the faking-performance relationship. The results are discussed in terms of their practical and theoretical implications for using personality testing for employee selection.
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