Publication: The Effect of Match Quality and Specific Experience on Career Decisions and Wage Growth

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Title The Effect of Match Quality and Specific Experience on Career Decisions and Wage Growth
Authors/Editors* Shintaro Yamaguchi
Where published* Labour Economics
How published* Journal
Year* 2010
Volume 17
Number 2
Pages 407-423
This paper constructs and estimates a career decision model where individuals search for both careers and firms that are a good match for their idiosyncratic skills using the NLSY79. It departs from previous papers in that career mobility decisions and participation decisions are explicitly modeled. I find substantial returns to career-specific experience. However, college graduates' wage grows little through career-match upgrading, which results in a lower incidence of career changes than high school graduates. The finding suggests that college graduates learn about their suitable careers before they enter a labor market.
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