Press Releases

Supercomputer provides accurate look at violent formation of galaxies -- Researchers using supercomputer simulations have exposed a very violent and critical relationship between interstellar gas and dark matter when galaxies are born – one that has been largely ignored by the current model of how the universe evolved. The simulations reported in the research paper were carried out on the Shared Hierarchical Academic Research Computing Network (SHARCNET).

A Memorandum of Agreement for Cooperation signing ceremony was held between SSC and SHARCNET on October 31, 2007. The cooperation between the two organizations -- and the “win/win” to be achieved through further collaboration and information sharing -- will improve the development of HPC and certain applications at the national level.

SHARCNET is pleased to announce the results of the Round III competition for SHARCNET Research Chairs. At its meeting on September 14, 2007, the SHARCNET Board of Directors approved the allocation of five new SHARCNET Research Chairs.

SHARCNET is issuing a call for proposals for Round VII of SHARCNET’s Research Support Programmes: Fellowships and Dedicated Resources. The deadline for Round VII is September 30, 2007.

SHARCNET is pleased to announce the results of the Round VI competition for SHARCNET Fellowships. With over $2.5m in funding requests from 120 applications, this was a particularly competitive round.

Ground-breaking innovations, from advanced visualization tools to startling computer simulations unraveling the mysteries of the universe are being celebrated at the annual ORION Awards in Toronto.

Some of Canada’s top schools are collaborating this week in transmitting high-definition video over advanced networks, in an experimental installation spanning three cities and nearly 5,000 kilometres. The Ontario College of Art & Design (OCAD) joins Concordia University in Montreal and Simon Fraser University in Vancouver to concurrently broadcast a live high-definition video stream for 72 consecutive hours over Canada’s regional advanced networks, including ORION in Ontario.

Lindi Wahl’s ability to form mathematical models that predict the evolution of drug resistance in microbes has earned her this year’s Florence Bucke prize. Wahl, a SHARCNET researcher from the Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Western Ontario, says her investigations into the probability that a mutation could confer some benefit to a population started with some “beautiful mathematics from the 1920s-30s addressing these sorts of problems.”