Press Releases

Four new high-performance computing clusters will give SHARCNET the ability to increase its network capacity from 1,000 to 6,000 processors.

HP today announced that it will supply SHARCNET with four new high-performance computing clusters that will increase the network’s capacity from 1,000 to 6,000 processors.

SHARCNET is one of the sponsors of ORION’s upcoming Ontario R&E Summit, June 13-14, 2005 at the Courtyard Marriot, downtown Toronto. Dr. Hugh Couchman, SHARCNET Scientific Director, will be presenting at the Summit.

SHARCNET computers have recently confirmed the world’s largest Mersenne prime number, comprised of 7,816,230 digits. Jeff Gilchrist, a graduate student from Carleton University, used a SHARCNET parallel computer to verify the accuracy of the record-breaking figure, discovered in February 2005 by Dr. Martin Nowak, an eye surgeon from Michelfeld, Germany. Employing 12 of the 16 1.2GHz CPUs on SHARCNET’s Compaq Alpha GS160 server, Typhon, Gilchrist was able to validate the number in only 15 days.

Title: Complex Systems: Rational Modelling Ensures Fidelity. Thursday June 2, 2005, Wilfrid Laurier University. Professor Roberts, University of Southern Queensland, is a world leader in using and developing a branch of modern dynamical systems theory, in conjunction with new computer algebra algorithms, to derive mathematical models of complex systems and apply them to a variety of fields in science and engineering.

An on-line version and a PDF version of the Long Range Plan for HPC in Canada is now available. The development of this Long Range Plan was initiated and supported by the Executive and Board of the Association Inc.

McMaster University and SHARCNET will be hosting the FLASH group from the University of Chicago, March 21-22, 2005. FLASH is a parallel adaptive mesh code that is freely available to the science community and used by a wide selection of people including groups at McMaster.