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SHARCNET Authors |
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Anomalies in the Entanglement Properties of the Square Lattice Heisenberg Model
2011 |
Ann B. Kallin, Matthew B. Hastings, Roger G. Melko, Rajiv R. P. Singh
Condensed Matter Theory Condensed Matter Physics
Density of States Modulations from Oxygen Phonons in d-wave Superconductors: Reconciling Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy and Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
2010 |
S. S. Johnston and T. P. Devereaux
Condensed Matter Physics
Material and doping dependence of the nodal and anti-nodal dispersion renormalizations in single- and multi-layer cuprates
2010 |
S. Johnston, W. S. Lee, Y. Chen, E. A. Nowadnick, B. Moritz, Z.-X. Shen, T. P. Devereaux
Condensed Matter Physics
Non-bonded force field for the interaction between metals and organic molecules: A case study of olefins on aluminum
2009 |
L. T. Kong, C. Denniston, M. H. Müser, and Y. Qi
Molecular Simulation Condensed Matter Physics
Nonlocal transport in the quantum spin Hall state
2009 |
A. Roth, C. Brüne, H. Buhmann, L. W. Molenkamp, J. Maciejko, X. L. Qi, and S. C. Zhang
Condensed Matter Physics
Spin Glass Transition at Nonzero Temperature in a Disordered Dipolar Ising System: The Case of LiHoxY{1-x}F4
2009 |
Ka-Ming Tam, Michel J.P. Gingras
Condensed Matter Physics
Effect of strong correlations on the high energy anomaly in hole- and electron-doped high-Tc superconductors
2009 |
B. Moritz, F. Schmitt, W. Meevasana, S. Johnston, E. M. Motoyama, M. Greven, D. H. Lu, C. Kim, R. T. Scalettar, Z.-X. Shen, T. P. Devereaux
Condensed Matter Physics
Implementation of Green's function molecular dynamics: an extension to LAMMPS
2009 |
L. T. Kong, G. Bartels, C. Campana, C. Denniston, and M. H. Müser,
Molecular Simulation Condensed Matter Physics
Valence Bond and von Neumann Entanglement Entropy in Heisenberg Ladders
2009 |
Ann B. Kallin, Iván González, Matthew B. Hastings, and Roger G. Melko
Condensed Matter Physics
Implementation of Green's function molecular dynamics: an extension to LAMMPS
2009 |
L. T. Kong, G. Bartel, C. Campana, C. Denniston, M. Mueser
Condensed Matter Physics
Dependence of a-Si:H density of states on hydrogen content: modeling and experiment
2009 |
F. Gaspari, I. M. Kupchak, A. I. Shkrebtii, Z. Ibrahim, A. Kazakevitch
Condensed Matter Physics
Modelling of hydrogenated amorphous silicon: use of vibrational spectra as a protocol for validation
2009 |
F. Gaspari, I.M. Kupchak, A.I. Shkrebtii, and J. Perz
Condensed Matter Physics
Non-bonded force field for the interaction between metals and organic molecules: A case study of olefins on aluminum
2009 |
Ling-Ti Kong, Colin Denniston, Martin Muser, Yue Qi
Condensed Matter Physics
Temperature dependent vibrational spectra and bond dynamics in hydrogenated amorphous silicon
2008 |
I. M. Kupchak, F. Gaspari, A.I. Shkrebtii, and J. Perz
Condensed Matter Physics
Dy2Ti2O7 Spin Ice: a Test Case for Emergent Clusters in a Frustrated Magnet
2008 |
Taras Yavors'kii, Tom Fennell, Michel J. P. Gingras, Steven T. Bramwell
Condensed Matter Physics
Late stage, non-equilibrium dynamics in the dipolar Ising model
2008 |
Tom Hosiawa and A.B. MacIsaac
Condensed Matter Physics
A Canted Stripe Phase near the Spin Reorientation Transition in Ultra Thin Magnetic Films
2008 |
J.P. Whitehead, A.B. MacIsaac and K. De'Bell,
Condensed Matter Physics
High Performance Computing in Canada: The Early Chapters
2008 |
Allan MacIsaac and Mark Whitmore
Condensed Matter Physics
Velocity fluctuations in dense granular flows
2008 |
J.J. Drozd, C. Denniston
Condensed Matter Physics
Temperature dependent vibrational spectra and bond dynamics in hydrogenated amorphous silicon
2008 |
I. M. Kupchak, F. Gaspari, A.I. Shkrebtii, and J. M. Perz
Condensed Matter Physics