Publications in area "Computational Biology"

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Title Published SHARCNET Authors Area
21. Viral Genome Compression 2005 M. Daley, I. McQuillan Computational Biology
22. End-Labeled Free Solution Electrophoresis (ELFSE) of DNA 2005 R J Meagher, J Won, L C McCormick, S Nedelcu, M Bertrand, J L Bertram, G Drouin, A E Barron, G W Slater Computational Biology
23. Towards reconstructing an ancient adaptive event 2005 G. Zhu, G.B. Golding, A.M. Dean Computational Biology
24. Self-assembly of the ionic peptide EAK16: The effect of charge distributions on self-assembly 2004 Jun S, Hong Y, Imamura H, Ha BY, Bechhoefer J, Chen P Computational Biology
25. Conformational conversion of proteins due to mutation 2004 H. Imamura, J.Z.Y. Chen Soft Matter Physics Computational Biology
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