Publications by SHARCNET researchers in 2009

All || By Area || By Year

Title Published SHARCNET Authors Area
241. Edge states on graphene ribbon in magnetic field: Interplay between Dirac and ferromagnetic-like gaps 2009 V. Gusynin, V. Miransky, S. Sharapov, I. Shovkovy, C. Wyenberg Theoretical Physics
242. Synthesis and Characterization of Ruthenium bis-Bipyridine Mono- and Disulfinato Complexes 2009 Rowshan Ara Begum, Abdiaziz A. Farah, Howard N. Hunter, and A.B.P. Lever Inorganic Chemistry
243. A natural abundance 33S solid-state NMR study of layered transition metal disulfides at ultrahigh magnetic field 2009 A. Sutrisno, V. V. Terskikh, Y.Huang Physical Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry
244. A Dual Non-abelian Yang-Mills Amplitude in Four Dimensions 2009 J.W. Cherrington, J.D. Christensen Quantum Gravity
245. Thermopiezoelectric effects on optolectronic properties of CdTe/ZnTe quantum wires 2009 S. Patil, R. Melnik Modelling dynamics of coupled systems for nanotechnology, biological and stochastic applications
246. Thermoelectromechanical effects in quantum dots 2009 S. Patil, R. Melnik Modelling dynamics of coupled systems for nanotechnology, biological and stochastic applications
247. Dissociative adsorption and thermal evolution of acetic acid on Si(100)2x1: Surface-mediated formation of ketene and acetaldehyde from unidentate and bidentate acetate adsorbates 2009 M. Ebrahimi, F. Rios, K.T. Leung Computational Chemistry
248. On the XeF+/H2O System: Synthesis and Characterization of the First Xenon(II) Oxide Fluoride Cation, FXeFXeOXeF+ 2009 Michael Gerken, Bernard E. Pointner, Matthew Moran, G.J. Schrobilgen, H.P.A. Mercier, Jerry A. Boatz, Berthold Hoge, and Karl O. Christe Inorganic Chemistry
249. Numerical evidence of correlations in loop quantum gravity 2009 J. Daniel Christensen, Etera Livine, Simone Speziale Quantum Gravity
250. Bridge Copula Model for Multi-Asset Pricing 2009 Campolieti G., Makarov R., and Vasiliev A. Computational Finance
251. A library of eyes in Go II: Monolithic eyes 2009 T Wolf, M Pratola Applied Mathematics