Title |
Published |
SHARCNET Authors |
Area |
Issues Regarding Particle-Laden DNS of Homogeneous Isotropic Turbulence
2011 |
H. Strutt, S. Tullis, M. Lightstone
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Computational fluid dynamics simulation of the aerodynamics of a high solidity, small scale vertical axis wind turbine
2011 |
K. McLaren, S. Tullis, S. Ziada
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Convergence of H-infinity optimal actuator locations
2011 |
D, Kasinathan, K, Morris
Orbits of the Bernoulli measure in single-transition asynchronous cellular automata
2011 |
H. FukÅ and A. Skelton
Cellular Automata, Discrete Dynamical Systems
Performance of the majority voting rule in solving the density classiï¬cation problem in high dimension
2011 |
J-M. Gómez Soto and H. FukÅ
Cellular Automata, Discrete Dynamical Systems
Microsecond Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins Involved in the Oxidative Stress Response
2011 |
E Cino, J Wong-ekkabut, M Karttunen, W.Y. Choy
Structured functional domains of myelin basic protein
2011 |
V.V. Bamm, M. De Avila, G.S.T. Smith, M.A.M. Ahmed, G. Harauz
Myelin And Multiple Sclerosis
An Efficient Algorithm for Finding Dominant Trapping Sets of Irregular LDPC Codes
2011 |
Mehdi Karimi, and Amir H. Banihashemi
Digital And Wireless Communications And Information Theory
Density Evolution Analysis of Node-Based Verification-Based Algorithms in Compressed Sensing
2011 |
Yaser Eftekhari, Anoosheh Heidarzadeh, Amir H. Banihashemi, Ioannis Lambadaris
Digital And Wireless Communications And Information Theory
Analysis of Overlapped Chunked Codes with small chunks over line networks
2011 |
A. Heidarzadeh and A. H. Banihashemi
Digital And Wireless Communications And Information Theory
H<sub>2</sub> molecules encapsulated in extended Be<sub>n</sub> cluster cages: Toward light-metal nanofoams for hydrogen storage
2011 |
Fedor Y. Naumkin and David J. Wales
Molecular Complexes, Clusters - structures, stabilities, spectra, reactions
Critical phenomena and phase transitions in large lattices within Monte-Carlo based non-peturbative approaches
2011 |
J. Kaupužs, J. RimÅ¡Äns, R.V.N. Melnik
Structural Properties of Atactic Polystyrene Adsorbed onto Solid Surfaces
2011 |
YB Tatek and M Tsige
Soft Matter Physics And Biophysics
Variational Monte Carlo study of Anderson localization in the Hubbard model
2011 |
A. Farhoodfar, R. J. Gooding, and W. A. Atkinson
Condensed Matter Theory
Semiempirical, Hartree-Fock, density functional, and second order Moller-Plesset perturbation theory methods do not accurately predict ionization energies and electron affinities of short- through long-chain [n]acenes
2011 |
S Rayne, K Forest
Computational Physical Organic Chemistry For The Energy And Environmental Sciences
HiTEC: accurate error correction in high-throughput sequencing data
2011 |
L. Ilie, F. Fazayeli, and S. Ilie
Bioinformatics And Computational Biology
SHRiMP2: Sensitive yet practical short read mapping
2011 |
M. David, M. Dzamba, D. Lister, L. Ilie, and M. Brudno
Bioinformatics And Computational Biology
Seeds for effective oligonucleotide design
2011 |
L Ilie, S. Ilie, S. Khoshraftar, and A. Mansouri-Bigvand
Bioinformatics And Computational Biology
SpEED: fast computation of sensitive spaced seeds
2011 |
L. Ilie, S. Ilie, and A. Mansouri Bigvand
Bioinformatics And Computational Biology
A natural abundance 25Mg solid-state NMR study of layered magnesium phosphates
2011 |
J. Zhu, Y. Huang
NMR spectroscopy and porous materials