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SHARCNET Authors |
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Singlet-triplet (S0âT1) excitation energies of the [4Ãn] rectangular graphene nanoribbon series (n=2-6): A comparative theoretical study
2011 |
S Rayne, K Forest
Computational Physical Organic Chemistry For The Energy And Environmental Sciences
Efficient EDA for Large Opimization Problems via Constraining the Search Space of Models
2011 |
Salehi E., Gras R.
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning
Multifractal Phenomena in EcoSim, a Large Scale Individual-Based Ecosystem Simulation
2011 |
Golestani A., Gras R.
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning
Gas phase enthalpies of formation, isomerization, and disproportionation of mono- through tetra-substituted tetrahedranes: A G4MP2/G4 theoretical study
2011 |
S Rayne, K Forest
Computational Physical Organic Chemistry For The Energy And Environmental Sciences
Scalable Parallel Implementation of Independent Components Analysis on the Graphics Processing Unit
2011 |
J. Forgette, R. Wachowiak Smolikova, M. Wachowiak
Data science, machine learning, geometric deep learning, graph signal processing, biomedical data exploration
Influence Maps for Facilitating Tactical Decisions in Real-Time Strategy Games
2011 |
J. Forgette, R. Smolikova-Wachowiak, M.P. Wachowiak
Data science, machine learning, geometric deep learning, graph signal processing, biomedical data exploration
Residues with similar hexagon neighborhoods share similar side-chain conformations.
2011 |
S.C. Li, D. Bu, M. Li
Error tolerant NMR backbone resonance assignment for automated structure generation
2011 |
B. Alipanahi, X. Gao, E. Karakoc, F. Balbach, S.C. Li, G. Feng, L. Donaldson, M. Li
Finding nearly optimal GDT scores
2011 |
S.C. Li, D. Bu, J. Xu, and M. Li
Homoclinic tangle on the edge of shear turbulence
2011 |
Lennaert van Veen and Genta Kawahara
Turbulence, Bifurcation Theory
Stratified turbulence at the buoyancy scale
2011 |
M. L. Waite
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
Topological entanglement entropy of a BoseâHubbard spin liquid
2011 |
Sergei Isakov, Matthew Hastings, Roger Melko
Condensed Matter Theory
Finite-Temperature Critical Behavior of Mutual Information
2011 |
Rajiv R. P. Singh, Matthew B. Hastings, Ann B. Kallin, Roger G. Melko
Condensed Matter Theory
Theoretical studies in the molecular Platonic solids: Pure and mixed carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and silicon tetrahedranes
2011 |
S Rayne, K Forest
Computational Physical Organic Chemistry For The Energy And Environmental Sciences
Closure of non-equilibrium volume-averaged energy equations in high-conductivity porous media
2011 |
C.T. DeGroot, A.G. Straatman
Batrachotoxin, Pyrethroids, and BTG 502 Share Overlapping Binding Sites on Insect Sodium Channels
2011 |
Du Y, Garden D, Khambay B, Zhorov BS, Dong K
Biomolecular Simulations
Silica through the eyes of colloidal models â when glass is a gel
2011 |
I. Saika-Voivod, H.M. King, P. Tartaglia, F. Sciortino, and E. Zaccarelli
Liquids And Soft Matter
Molecular dynamics modeling of tubulin C-terminal tail interactions with the microtubule surface
2011 |
Freedman, H.; Luchko, T.; Luduena, R. F.; Tuszynski, J. A.
Computational Biology
Relaxed complex scheme suggests novel inhibitors for the lyase activity of DNA polymerase beta
2011 |
Khaled Barakat and Jack Tuszynski
Computational Biology
Entropic fragment based approach to aptamer design
2011 |
Tseng, C.-Y., Ashrafuzzaman, M, Mane, J. Y., Kapty, J., Mercer, J. R. and Tuszynski, J. A.
Computational Biology