Publications by SHARCNET researchers in 2011

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Title Published SHARCNET Authors Area
161. A Constraint Programming Approach for Instruction Assignment 2011 Mirza Beg and Peter van Beek Artificial Intelligence
162. Kinetics and mechanistic analysis of an extremely rapid carbon dioxide fixation reaction 2011 D. Huang, O. V. Makhlynets, L. L. Tan, S. C. Lee, E. V. Rybak-Akimova, R. H. Holm Inorganic Chemistry, Bioinorganic Chemistry
163. Chemistry of cleaving C-H bonds with hyperthermal H2: Inception, Development, and Practical Applications 2011 W. M. Lau et al Computational Surface Chemistry
164. Molecular Dynamics based simulation of trace amine membrane permeability 2011 M. D. Berry, J. Nickel, M. R. Shitut and B. Tomberli Membrane Biophysics
165. Drift-Oscillatory Steering with the Forward-Reverse Method for Calculating the Potential of Mean Force 2011 M. Nategholeslam, B. W. Holland, C.G. Gray and B. Tomberli Membrane Biophysics
166. Patchy-tachy leads to false positives for recombination. 2011 S.Sun, B.J.Evans, G.B. Golding Bioinformatics, Molecular Evolution
167. A mathematical model of quorum sensing regulated EPS production in biofilm communities 2011 MR Frederick, C Kuttler, BA Hense, HJ Eberl Biomathematics
168. Chemical Response of Aldehydes to Compression between (0001) Surfaces of Alumina 2011 S.M. Haw, N.J. Mosey Theoretical And Computational Chemistry
169. Material transfer mechanisms between aluminum and fluorinated carbon interfaces 2011 F.G. Sen, Y. Qi, A.T. Alpas Tribology
170. Regularized Autoregressive Multiple Frequency Estimation 2011 Chen B. and Gel, Y. Time Series Analysis, Spatio Temporal Modeling, Nonparametrics
171. Banded regularization of covariance matrices in application to parameter estimation and forecasting of time series 2011 Bickel P. and Gel, Y. Time Series Analysis, Spatio Temporal Modeling, Nonparametrics
172. Computationally Efficient Bootstrap Prediction Intervals for Returns and Volatilities in ARCH and GARCH Processes 2011 Chen B., Gel, Y., Balakrishna, N. and B. Abraham Time Series Analysis, Spatio Temporal Modeling, Nonparametrics
173. Drift-oscillatory steering with the forward-reverse method for calculating the potential of mean force 2011 M. Nategholeslam, B Holland, B. Tomberli, C.G.Gray Biosimulations Of Peptides And Membranes
174. Structural deformations and current oscillations in armchair-carbon nanotube cross devices: a theoretical study 2011 A Kashefian Naieni, P Yaghoobi, D J Woodsworth, A Nojeh Nanotechnology
175. 3-D Numerical simulation of particle concentration effect on a single-wire ESP performance for collecting polydispersed particles 2011 N. Farnoosh, K. Adamiak and G.S.P. Castle Computational Electromagnetics
176. Structure propensities in mutated polyglutamine peptides 2011 B.M.B. VanSchouwen, D.G. Oblinsky, H.L. Gordon, and S.M. Rothstein Computational And Theoretical Chemistry
177. Classification of Normal Sequences 2011 D.Z. Djokovic Hadamard Matrices
178. 43 genes support the lungfish-coelacanth grouping related to the closest living relative of tetrapods with the Bayesian method under the coalescence model 2011 Shan Y., Gras R. Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning
179. Regularity Analysis of an individual-based Ecosystem Simulation 2011 Golestani A., Gras R. Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning
180. Estimation of Distribution Algorithms in Gene Expression Data Analysis 2011 Salehi E., Gras R. Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning