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SHARCNET Authors |
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A Constraint Programming Approach for Instruction Assignment
2011 |
Mirza Beg and Peter van Beek
Artificial Intelligence
Kinetics and mechanistic analysis of an extremely rapid carbon dioxide fixation reaction
2011 |
D. Huang, O. V. Makhlynets, L. L. Tan, S. C. Lee, E. V. Rybak-Akimova, R. H. Holm
Inorganic Chemistry, Bioinorganic Chemistry
Chemistry of cleaving C-H bonds with hyperthermal H2: Inception, Development, and Practical Applications
2011 |
W. M. Lau et al
Computational Surface Chemistry
Molecular Dynamics based simulation of trace amine membrane permeability
2011 |
M. D. Berry, J. Nickel, M. R. Shitut and B. Tomberli
Membrane Biophysics
Drift-Oscillatory Steering with the Forward-Reverse Method for Calculating the Potential of Mean Force
2011 |
M. Nategholeslam, B. W. Holland, C.G. Gray and B. Tomberli
Membrane Biophysics
Patchy-tachy leads to false positives for recombination.
2011 |
S.Sun, B.J.Evans, G.B. Golding
Bioinformatics, Molecular Evolution
A mathematical model of quorum sensing regulated EPS production in biofilm communities
2011 |
MR Frederick, C Kuttler, BA Hense, HJ Eberl
Chemical Response of Aldehydes to Compression between (0001) Surfaces of Alumina
2011 |
S.M. Haw, N.J. Mosey
Theoretical And Computational Chemistry
Material transfer mechanisms between aluminum and fluorinated carbon interfaces
2011 |
F.G. Sen, Y. Qi, A.T. Alpas
Regularized Autoregressive Multiple Frequency Estimation
2011 |
Chen B. and Gel, Y.
Time Series Analysis, Spatio Temporal Modeling, Nonparametrics
Banded regularization of covariance matrices in application to parameter estimation and forecasting of time series
2011 |
Bickel P. and Gel, Y.
Time Series Analysis, Spatio Temporal Modeling, Nonparametrics
Computationally Efficient Bootstrap Prediction Intervals for Returns and Volatilities in ARCH and GARCH Processes
2011 |
Chen B., Gel, Y., Balakrishna, N. and B. Abraham
Time Series Analysis, Spatio Temporal Modeling, Nonparametrics
Drift-oscillatory steering with the forward-reverse method for calculating the potential of mean force
2011 |
M. Nategholeslam, B Holland, B. Tomberli, C.G.Gray
Biosimulations Of Peptides And Membranes
Structural deformations and current oscillations in armchair-carbon nanotube cross devices: a theoretical study
2011 |
A Kashefian Naieni, P Yaghoobi, D J Woodsworth, A Nojeh
3-D Numerical simulation of particle concentration effect on a single-wire ESP performance for collecting polydispersed particles
2011 |
N. Farnoosh, K. Adamiak and G.S.P. Castle
Computational Electromagnetics
Structure propensities in mutated polyglutamine peptides
2011 |
B.M.B. VanSchouwen, D.G. Oblinsky, H.L. Gordon, and S.M. Rothstein
Computational And Theoretical Chemistry
Classification of Normal Sequences
2011 |
D.Z. Djokovic
Hadamard Matrices
43 genes support the lungfish-coelacanth grouping related to the closest living relative of tetrapods with the Bayesian method under the coalescence model
2011 |
Shan Y., Gras R.
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning
Regularity Analysis of an individual-based Ecosystem Simulation
2011 |
Golestani A., Gras R.
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning
Estimation of Distribution Algorithms in Gene Expression Data Analysis
2011 |
Salehi E., Gras R.
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning