Publication: Effectiveness of A Parallel Branch-and-bound Based Algorithm for Analyzing Management Configurations

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Title Effectiveness of A Parallel Branch-and-bound Based Algorithm for Analyzing Management Configurations
Authors/Editors* Y. Song, M. Bauer
Where published* The International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA’2004)
How published* Proceedings
Year* 2004
Volume 0
Number 0
Pages 54-60
Publisher Computer Science Research, Education, & Applications Press
Keywords distributed systems, management, branch and bound
A management configuration refers to an arrangement of management agents across a distributed system whose tasks are to monitor and control system components to ensure efficient use of resources and timely services to users. These management activities can degrade system performance due to the resources consumed by management agents, e.g. CPU, memory, network bandwidth, storage space, etc. A good configuration of management agents is needed to minimize the impact on system performance. Previous work on determining efficient management configurations proposed a branch-and-bound based algorithm for finding a good configuration. The performance of that algorithm can be unacceptable even for moderately sized systems. A parallel version of that algorithm has been developed. This paper reports on an implementation and experiments evaluating the effectiveness of that algorithm.
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