Publication: The Kondo Screening Cloud around a Quantum Dot: Large-scale numerical Results.

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Title The Kondo Screening Cloud around a Quantum Dot: Large-scale numerical Results.
Authors/Editors* E. S. Sorensen, I Affleck
Where published* Physical Review Letters
How published* Journal
Year* 2005
Volume 94
Number -1
Pages 086601
Publisher APS
Measurements of the persistent current in a ring containing a quantum dot would afford a unique opportunity to finally detect the elusive Kondo screening cloud. We present the first large-scale numerical results on this controversial subject using exact diagonalization and density matrix renormalization group (RG). These extremely challenging numerical calculations confirm RG arguments for weak to strong coupling crossover with varying ring length and give results on the universal scaling functions. We also study, analytically and numerically, the important and surprising effects of particle-hole symmetry breaking.
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