Publication: Short-loop algorithm for quantum Monte Carlo simulations

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Title Short-loop algorithm for quantum Monte Carlo simulations
Authors/Editors* Ying-Jer Kao, Roger G. Melko
Where published* Physical Review E
How published* Journal
Year* 2008
Volume 77
Pages 036708
We present an algorithmic framework for a variant of the quantum Monte Carlo operator-loop algorithm, where non-local cluster updates are constructed in a way that makes each individual loop smaller. The algorithm is designed to increase simulation efficiency in cases where conventional loops become very large, do not close altogether, or otherwise behave poorly. We demonstrate and characterize some aspects of the short-loop on a square lattice spin-1/2 XXZ model where, remarkably, a significant increase in simulation efficiency is observed in some parameter regimes. The simplicity of the model provides a prototype for the use of short-loops on more complicated quantum systems.
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