Title |
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SHARCNET Authors |
Area |
Quantum trajectory equation for multiple qubits in circuit QED: Generating entanglement by measurement
2009 |
C.L. Hutchison, J.M. Gambetta, A. Blais, F.K. Wilhelm
Quantum Information Research
Optimal generation of Fock states in a weakly nonlinear oscillator
2009 |
B. Khani, J. M. Gambetta, F. Motzoi, F. K. Wilhelm
Quantum Information Research
Multi-ethnic genetic association study of carotid intima-media thickness using a targeted cardiovascular SNP microarray.
2009 |
Lanktree MB, Hegele RA, Yusuf S, Anand SS, and the SHARE investigators
Genetic Linkage Analysis
Recent arrival of faint cluster galaxies on the red sequence
2009 |
T. Lu, D. Gilbank, M. Balogh, A. Bognat
Galaxy Formation
Predictions of the Fluorine NMR Chemical Shifts of Perfluorinated Carboxcylic Acids, CnF2n+1COOH )n=6-8)
2009 |
Z. Liu, J.D. Goddard
Computational And Theoretical Chemistry
In Situ PM-IRRAS Studies of an Archea Analogue Thiolipid Assembled on a Au(111) Electrone Surface.
2009 |
J. Leitch, J. Kunze, J. D. Goddard, A.L. Schwan, R.J. Faragher, R. Naumann, W. Knoll, J.R. Dutcher, J. Lipkowski
Computational And Theoretical Chemistry
A Relative Approach for Determining Ring Strain Energies of Heterobicyclic Alkenes.
2009 |
J. Howell, J.D. Goddard, W.Tam
Computational And Theoretical Chemistry
A Parallel Scatter Search for Performing Data Partitioning
2009 |
M. Walton, G. Grewal, W. Dobosiewicz
Computer Aided Design, Micro/Nano Electronics
Solving the chicken and egg problem of letter detection and fixation duration in reading
2009 |
Roy-Charland, A., Saint-Aubin, J., Lawrence, M. A. & Klein, R. M.
Human Information Processing
A method for determining the effective transport coefficients of composite solid oxide fuel cell electrodes
2009 |
H.-W. Choi, B. Kenney, J.G. Pharoah, S.B. Beale
Computational Fluid Dynamics, Energy Systems, Fuel Cells
Transport phenomena in the porous micro-structures of fuel-cell electrodes
2009 |
H.-W. Choi, D. Blore, J.G. Pharoah, S.B. Beale, D.H. Jeon
Computational Fluid Dynamics, Energy Systems, Fuel Cells
Effective transport coefficients for porous microstructures in solid oxide fuel cells
2009 |
H.-W. Choi, A. Berson, B. Kenney, J.G. Pharoah, S.B. Beale, K. Karan
Computational Fluid Dynamics, Energy Systems, Fuel Cells
MDS and near-MDS self-dual codes over large prime fields
2009 |
Kotsireas, Ilias S.; Koukouvinos, Christos; Simos, Dimitris E.
Symbolic Computation, Computational Combinatorics
Simulating the evolution of an ethanol and gasoline source zone within the capillary fringe
2009 |
Yu, S. J.G. Freitas, A.J.A. Unger, J.F. Barker and J, Chatzis
Computational Hydrology
Simulating the fate and transport of TCE from groundwater to indoor air
2009 |
Yu, S., A.J.A. Unger and B. Parker
Computational Hydrology
Effect of strong correlations on the high energy anomaly in hole- and electron-doped high-Tc superconductors
2009 |
B. Moritz, F. Schmitt, W. Meevasana, S. Johnston, E. M. Motoyama, M. Greven, D. H. Lu, C. Kim, R. T. Scalettar, Z.-X. Shen, T. P. Devereaux
Condensed Matter Physics
Nonlocal transport in the quantum spin Hall state
2009 |
A. Roth, C. Brüne, H. Buhmann, L. W. Molenkamp, J. Maciejko, X. L. Qi, and S. C. Zhang
Condensed Matter Physics
Energies for the high-L Rydberg states of helium: Asymptotic analysis
2009 |
R. El-Wazni, and GWF Drake
Theoretical Physics
High-precision Penning trap mass measurements of Be-9,Be-10 and the one-neutron halo nuclide Be-11
2009 |
R. Ringlea, M. Brodeura, T. Brunnera, S. Ettenauera, M. Smith, A. Lapierre, V.L. Ryjkov, P. Delheij, G.W.F. Drake, J. Lassen, D. Lunney and J. Dilling
Theoretical Physics
Nuclear Charge Radii of Be-7,Be-9,Be-10 and the One-Neutron Halo Nucleus Be-11
2009 |
W. Nörtershäuser, D. Tiedemann, M. Žáková, Z. Andjelkovic, K. Blaum, M. L. Bissell, R. Cazan, G. W. F. Drake, Ch. Geppert1, M. Kowalska, J. Krämer, A. Krieger, R. Neugart, R. Sánchez, F. Schmidt-Kaler, Z.-C. Yan, D. T. Yordanov, and C. Zimmermann
Theoretical Physics