Title |
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SHARCNET Authors |
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Replication of genetic associations with plasma lipoprotein traits in a multiethnic sample
2009 |
Lanktree MB, Anand SS, Yusuf S, Hegele RA
Epitaxially Driven Formation of Intricate Supported Gold Nanostructures on a Lattice-Matched Oxide Substrate
2009 |
G A Devenyi, J F Li, R A, Hughs, A-C Shi, P Mascher, J S, Preston
Spectral geometry as a probe of quantum spacetime
2009 |
Dario Benedetti, Joe Henson
Theoretical Physics
QTAIM study on the degenerate Cope rearrangements of 1,5-hexadiene and semibullvalene.
2009 |
E. C. Brown, R. F. W. Bader, N. H. Werstiuk
Computational Chemistry
Electronic and Steric Parameters of 76 NâHeterocyclic Carbenes in Ni(CO)3(NHC)
2009 |
D. G. Gusev
Organometallic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry
Donor Properties of a Series of TwoâElectron Ligands
2009 |
D. G. Gusev
Organometallic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry
Adaptation rates of lytic viruses depend critically on whether host cells survive the bottleneck
2009 |
Z. Patwa and L.M. Wahl
Mathematical Biology
The impact of host-cell dynamics on the fixation probability for lytic viruses
2009 |
Z. Patwa and L.M. Wahl
Mathematical Biology
Design of a Relaying Electroosmosis Pump Driven by Low-Voltage DC
2009 |
Q. Q. Guo, Y. Liu, X. Y. Wu and J. Yang
Biomedical Modeling and Simulation
Weighing matrices and string sorting
2009 |
Kotsireas, I. S. Koukouvinos, C. Seberry, J.
Computer Algebra
FEM-FCT Based Dynamic Simulation of Corona Discharge in Point-Plane Configuration
2009 |
P. Sattari, G.S.P. Castle, and K. Adamiak
Computational Electromagnetics
On the Viability of Lagrangian Theories of Internal Wave Spectra:
Implications for Doppler-spread Theory and Radar Measurements
2009 |
G.P. Klaassen
Atmospheric Sciences
Testing Lagrangian Theories of Internal Wave Spectra. Part II:
Varying the Number of Waves
2009 |
G.P. Klaassen
Atmospheric Sciences
Testing Lagrangian Theories of Internal Wave Spectra. Part I: Varying the Amplitude and Wavenumbers
2009 |
G.P. Klaassen
Atmospheric Sciences
Inequivalent Hadamard matrices from base sequences.
2009 |
Kotsireas, I. S.; Koukouvinos, C.; Simos, D. E.
Computer Algebra
New weighing matrices of order $2n$ and weight $2n-5$
2009 |
Kotsireas, Ilias S.; Koukouvinos, Christos
Computer Algebra
âOver-Constrained Formulation of the Immersed Boundary Condition Method
2009 |
S.Z.Hussain, J.Szumbarski and J.M.Floryan
Fluid Mechanics
Local quaternion Fourier transform and color image texture analysis
2009 |
Assefa, D., Mansinha, L., Tiampo, K.F., Rasmussen, H., Abdella, K..
Earth and Space Science
A Test of Various Computational Solvation Models on a set of âDifficultâ Organic Compounds.
2009 |
Guthrie, J.P. and Povar, I.
Computational Chemistry
An Evaluation of Communication Factors on an Adaptive Control Strategy for Job Co-Allocation in Multiple HPC Clusters
2009 |
J. Qin and M. Bauer
Distributed Systems