Title |
Published |
SHARCNET Authors |
Area |
Statistical mechanics of static and low-velocity kinetic friction
2003 |
M. H. Müser, M. Urbakh, and M. O. Robbins
Molecular Simulation
Finite Temperature Structure and Dynamics of Zinc Dialkyldithiophosphate Wear Inhibitors: A Density Functional Theory and ab initio Molecular Dynamics Study
2003 |
N.J. Mosey, T.K. Woo
Computational Chemistry
On the tribology and rheology of polymer brushes in good
solvent conditions: a molecular dynamics study
2003 |
T. Kreer, M. H. Muser
Molecular Simulation
Comment on: ``High-pressure elasticity of alpha-quartz: Instability and ferroelastic transition
2003 |
M. H. Müser, P. Schöffel
Molecular Simulation
Friction between polymer brushes in good solvent conditions: Steady-state sliding versus transient behavior
2003 |
T. Kreer, K. Binder, M. H. Müser
Molecular Simulation
Kinetic friction and atomistic instabilities in boundary-lubricated systems
2003 |
M. Aichele, M. H. Müser
Molecular Simulation
Numerical Simulation of Magnetic Vortices in High Temperature Superconductors
2003 |
M. E. Gallamore, G. E. D. McCormack, and T. P. Devereaux
Condensed Matter Physics
Classification of integrable quadratic Hamiltonians on e(3)
2003 |
T. Wolf, O. Efimovskaya
Applied Mathematics
Estimation of a pKa for dimethoxycarbene
2003 |
J. P. Guthrie, R.A. More O
Computational Chemistry
Origin of the Regiochemistry of Propene Insertion at Octahedral Column 4 Polymerization Catalysts: Design or Serendipity ?
2003 |
G. Talarico, V. Busico, L. Cavallo
Computational Chemistry
Transition Metal Mediated Epoxidation as Test Case for the Performance of Different Density Functionals: A Computational Study
2003 |
L. Cavallo, H. Jacobsen
Computational Chemistry
The Finite Temperature Structure and Dynamics of ZDDP Wear Inhibitors: A Density Functional Theory and ab initio Molecular Dynamics Study
2003 |
N.J. Mosey, T.K. Woo
Computational Chemistry
Ab initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations with a HOMO-LUMO Gap Biasing Potential to Accelerate Rare Reaction Events
2003 |
N.J. Mosey, A. Hu, T.K. Woo
Computational Chemistry
eta-1 versus eta-5 Bonding Modes of Cp*Al(I) Adducts of Borafluorenes
2003 |
P.E. Romero, W.E. Piers, S. Decker, D. Chau, T.K. Woo, M. Parvez
Computational Chemistry
Multiresolution Biomedical Image Registration Using Generalized Information Measures
2003 |
Mark Wachowiak, Renata Smolikova, Terry Peters
Image Processing Biophysics
Direct Monte Carlo Simulation of Joule-Thomson Expansion Processes
2003 |
W.R. Smith, M. Lisal
Materials Simulations
Direct Monte Carlo Simulation of Joule-Thomson Expansion and its Application for Alternative Refrigerant Fluid HFC-32
2003 |
Lisal M., Aim K., Smith W. R.
Materials Simulations
Adiabatic Monte Carlo Simulations of Reacting and Non-Reacting Systems
2003 |
Aim K., Lisal M., Smith W. R.
Materials Simulations
An ab initio and AIM study on the molecular structure and stability of small CuxSy-1 clusters
2003 |
Boris Ni, James R. Kramer, and Nick H. Werstiuk
Computational Chemistry
A three-dimensional adaptive wavelet method for fluid--structure
2003 |
N. Kevlahan, O. Vasilyev, D. Goldstein, A. Jay
Fluid Mechanics