Title |
Published |
SHARCNET Authors |
Area |
Folding dynamics of the helical structure in proteins
2002 |
J. Kemp, J.Z.Y. Chen
Soft Matter Physics
Unzipping dsDNA with a force: numerical simulations
2002 |
J.Z.Y. Chen
Soft Matter Physics
Structural and folding properties of a lattice prion model
2002 |
A. Wind, J.P. Kemp, A. Ermoshkin, J.Z.Y. Chen
Soft Matter Physics
Adsorption of a protein to a lipid bilayer membrane
2002 |
A. Ermoshkin, J.Z.Y. Chen, P.-K. Lai
Soft Matter Physics
Open-to-closed transition of a hard-sphere chain with attractive ends
2002 |
Y.-J. Sheng, J.Z.Y. Chen, H.-K. Tsao
Soft Matter Physics
Structural Stability and Phase Transitions in K8Si46 Clathrate under High Pressure
2002 |
J.S.Tse, S. Desgrenier, Z.Q. Li, M.R. Ferguson, Y. Kawazoe
Condensed Matter Physics
Computer Modeling of the Structures, Stabilities, and Thermoelectric Efficiency of Materials with Clathrate Structures
2002 |
J.S. Tse, K. Uehara, Z.Q. Li, R. Rousseau, D.D. Klug
Condensed Matter Physics
High Performance thermoelectric materials with clathrate structures
2002 |
J.S. Tse, Z.Q. Li
Condensed Matter Physics
Vibrations of Methane in Structure I Clathrate Hydrate - an ab initio Density Functional Molecular Dynamics Study
2002 |
J.S. Tse
Condensed Matter Physics
An Analysis of Occupational Change and Departure from the Labor Force: Evidence of the Reasons that Teachers Leave
2002 |
T. Stinebrickner
Applied Econometrics
The Mechanism of the Addition of Non-enolizable Aldehydes and Ketones to (Di)metallenes (R2X=YR2, X=Si, Ge Y=C, Si, Ge): A Density Functional and Multiconfigurational Perturbation Theory Study
2002 |
N.J. Mosey, K.M. Baines, T.K. Woo
Computational Chemistry
Nature of mechanical instabilities and their effect on kinetic friction
2002 |
M. H. Müser
Molecular Simulation
Uncatalyzed and amine catalyzed decarboxylation of acetoacetic acid: an examination in terms of No Barrier Theory
2002 |
P. Guthrie
Computational Chemistry
Comparison of ab Initio and DFT Methods for Studying Chain Propagation and Chain Termination Processes with Group 4 Polymerization Catalysts. 1. The ansa-Bis(cyclopentadienyl)zirconium Catalyst
2002 |
G. Talarico, A. N. J. Blok, T. K. Woo, L. Cavallo
Computational Chemistry
Evaluating the impact of population bottlenecks in experimental evolution
2002 |
L. Wahl, P.J. Gerrish and I. Saika-Voivod
Mathematical Biology
Fragile-to-strong transition and polyamorphism in the energy landscape of liquid silica
2002 |
I. Saika-Voivod, P.H. Poole and F. Sciortino
Condensed Matter Physics
Interrelationship of fragile-to-strong and polyamorphic transitions in liquid silica
2002 |
I. Saika-Voivod, P.H. Poole and F. Sciortino
Condensed Matter Physics
Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Molecular Collisions of Nitromethane
2002 |
D. Wei, F. Zhang, T. Woo
Computational Chemistry
Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Multimolecular Collisions of Nitromethane and Compressed Liquid Nitromethane
2002 |
S.A. Decker, T.K. Woo, D. Wei, F. Zhang
Computational Chemistry
Molecular Modeling of Enantioselective Hydrosilylation by Chiral Pd Based Homogeneous Catalysts with First-Principles and Hybrid QM/MM Molecular Dynamics Simulations
2002 |
A. Magistrato, A. Togni, U. Rothlisberger, T.K. Woo
Computational Chemistry